If you has an awesome website look / design doesn't guarantee your website is well search engine optimized. A good website is a website that can also bring new opportunity from vendor to our beloved customer, to get a better opportunity at least your webpages has to be appear in first pages search result on every specific products that you sell, targeting just one keyword from your website is a big mistake.

Every search engine has a "bot/spider" or computer that crawl / scan every webpages on server to see the quality of the website, is it relevant to the search keyword? google has more than 200 factors that can effect the search result, there's some guideline from google to get better rank, but google doesn't publish all search engines factor to the public, and google algorithm usually changes to in this area the developer usually take a appropriate research to rank better.
Search engine optimization is not an instant process to rank on search result, it will take times depends on many factor such as on pages optimization, off pages optimization, backlink, competition and other else, if you want a quick results search engine marketing (paid per click advertising) is the answer.